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Free 0-3 years old education

 Calvià, 15th September 2023


500 minors will benefit from the measure from September, which represents a firm commitment by the Town Hall to the family and work-life balance

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Calvià extends free 0-3 years old education to the whole school day. In line with the announcement by the president of the Balearic Government, Marga Prohens, which guarantees 4 free-teaching hours per day, the Town Hall assumes the cost of the rest of the day until reaching 8 hours. In the same way, the Government team headed by Mayor Juan Antonio Amengual extends the school nurseries' service from ten to twelve months to promote the conciliation of both family and work life during July and August, a summer period that was not covered. until now. Thus, the Town Hall wants to support families in the most touristic municipality of the Balearic Islands, and allow Calvià residents to combine the high season with good care of the little ones.

In addition, Calvià Town Hall will subsidise 25% of the amount allocated to food, which includes two snacks and one meal per day. Thus, families will only have to pay 90 euros per month for this concept. In any case, all those people who do not have sufficient resources may request the corresponding aid from the Regional Ministry of Education, which has in mind the total gratuity in this section for families in need. The measures, which are implemented in September, are applicable to the network of 10 municipal school nurseries, which offer almost 500 places (492 in total). For subsequent years, the availability of the necessary funds to maintain free 0-3 years old education will be guaranteed through the corresponding allocation included in the municipality's annual Budgets.

Jaime Bujosa – deputy mayor for Education – has pointed out that "with this effort we want to help the Calvià families, all of them, regardless of their composition, since the work-life balance problem is common to all of them." For this reason, the Town Hall is working to activate family support measures that are "real, effective and continuous over time."

The municipal government team has worked on this issue since the beginning of this mandate to find a way to assume the cost this year, thus facilitating the lives of the Calvià residents who have children at an early age. The commitment of the government team is, as Bujosa expressed in a press conference, to continue advancing "with a firm step" on this same path over the coming years.