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Calvią is presented at the WTM as 365 destination


Thursday, 2nd November 2023

Calvià is presented at the World Travel Market as a 365 destination

The municipal delegation attends the first major international fair after the season with the aim of reducing the tourist seasonality curve


Calvià travels to the World Travel Market in London with the intention of consolidating its status as a reference municipality in the Western Mediterranean through a series of strategies based on product differentiation and individual and specialised promotion. In the same way, branding actions (brand consolidation) will be carried out.

The Town Hall's project involves maintaining and reinforcing the attractiveness of a sun and beach destination along with a series of determined commitments to inform on the multiple and varied offers and attractions that the municipality has. The aim is to extend the season, postpone the establishments' closure and thereby reduce the seasonality curve.

The key is the conjunction of the efforts of the municipal areas of Tourism, Sports and Culture, a trinomial from which numerous initiatives emanate. This seeks to attract gastronomic, active, cultural, sports, luxury, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Congresses and Events) tourism. All this from an updated perspective of environmental sustainability and safe leisure.

The Town Hall's delegation traveling to London is made up of mayor Juan Antonio Amengual, the deputy mayor responsible for the sector, Elisa Monserrat, the general director of Tourism, Carmen Peñas and the technician Virginia Fernández. London will be the springboard from which the proposals that position Calvià at the forefront of tourism will be launched to professionals in the British market.

The planned agenda includes institutional events, meetings with British representatives of the sector and an intense campaign in local tourism-oriented media such as Green Traveler, Travel Weekly, and correspondents from The Times, BBC or Weather2Travel, amongst others. Appointments have been made with journalists specialised in gastronomy or the environment. Also with On The Beach, Thomas Cook or Wexas.

In recent weeks, international meetings have multiplied prior to the event in London in which Calvià Town Hall has participated and collaborated. In October the municipality hosted the first Calvià Destino Revenue event aimed at professionals in the sector. Also in October, the Calvià 365 destination was presented to 70 British executives of the Dnata tour operator. The Town Hall has participated in the III Annual Turespaña Convention in San Sebastián and in the IGTM – the International Golf Travel Market – held in Lisbon.

The council promotes the conciliation of tourist activity with the preservation of the environment, an increasing demand amongst clients. Proof of this is the pioneering plan to supply reclaimed water to hotel establishments for its use in irrigating green areas. Thus, an agreement signed between the public company Calvià 2000 and St Regis Mardavall last August has saved more than 16 million litres of drinking water per year. This example of public-private collaboration, which is expected to be expanded to other establishments, aims to reuse 100% of the municipality's regenerated water in the irrigation of gardens, agricultural areas or golf courses, amongst others, allowing significant public network drinking water savings. In the same way, it is possible to reduce treated water spills into the sea in favour of its reuse.

A considerable effort has also been applied to the adaptation of the beaches, both in their environmental health and in the maintenance and improvement of services. This year Calvià has revalidated the 15 Q flags for Quality, which place it as the first municipality in the Balearic Islands and third in Spain. One in every five kilometres of beaches on the island of Mallorca recognised with the Q corresponds to Calvià. A demanding external audit has been passed before receiving the award from the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality, which depends on the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and is based on the internationally recognised ISO quality standard.

One of Calvià's great assets as a tourist destination is the reinforcement of citizen security in the municipality. During the 2023 season a difference has been made, making Calvià the model to follow in terms of its effectiveness in safety management. The efforts of the Local Police in collaboration with the Civil Guard and the launching of a plainclothes police officers unit has resulted in a decrease in illicit activities in tourist areas, a reaction capacity of less than 10 minutes in events. considered high priority, and the consequent approval of hoteliers and businessmen of the complementary offer.

Tourists have perceived a change that positions Calvià as a leading safe leisure destination.

In the same way, in the face of the so-called excess tourism, the message that is transmitted to professionals and visitors is that of responsible tourism. Calvià has closed the high season with zero cases of 'balconing'. Following this line, the Town Hall has requested the Government of the Balearic Islands to reform Decree Law 1/2020 on Excesses Tourism. Work is underway, amongst other changes, on the rezoning of the Decree's implementation so that it is implemented homogeneously in the municipality as demanded by the sector.