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Water cut in Bendinat Nou and Portals Nous


The annual cleaning (determined by regulations RD 140/2003, D 53/2012 CAIB) of the Bendinat Nou pumping well and the Portals Nous deposit will be carried out on Wednesday 25th October, so it will be necessary to interrupt the supply of drinking water in both areas from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. approximately. The water supply cut will affect the subscribers of the following streets in Bendinat Nou: Hostalets, Ramon Llull, Margalida Coll, Buenavista, Victòria and Bosc; and to the subscribers of the following streets in Portals Nous: Puig des Capità, Alzina and Farigola.


Water supply cut in Bendinat Nou

Water cut's date: 25/10/2017

The water cut will start at approx.: 8 a.m.

The water cut will end at approx.: 3 p.m.

Urban area affected: Bendinat Nou

Reason for cutting: Tank cleaning

Water supply cut in Portals Nous Calvià

Water cut's date: 25/10/2017

The water cut will start at approx.: 8 a.m.

The water cut will end at approx.: 3 p.m.

Urban area affected: Portals Nous

Reason for cutting: Tank cleaning