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Calvią hosts the Arkus Project


Tuesday 20th October 2020

The Arkus Project is aimed at people operated of breast cancer, with archery as therapy

Sa Societat has hosted the Arkus Project presentation that has taken place in Calvià, and which was attended by the Mayor of Calvià, Alfonso Rodríguez Badal, who intervened and thanked the implementation of this project in the municipality. The Deputy Mayor for Sports, Eva Serra, and the Councilwoman of Calvià, María Carmen Rojano also attended the event.

One in four people operated of breast cancer develops lymphedema as a sequel to surgery, especially if the axillary nodes are removed. When this happens, the arm is swollen and can become painful, with the consequent life quality decrease.

The vibrations generated by the bow at the time of shooting the arrow improve or eliminate these symptoms. In addition, the practice of this sport generates positive psychological effects that, in a certain way, works as group therapy.

The project, which has been presented on the international day against breast cancer, will begin on 1st February 2021. It will consist of three one-month courses for groups of up to 10 people selected by the Son Espases Oncology service. Each group will be followed up with the support of the Sports Medicine service of the Consell de Mallorca. The courses will take place at the facilities provided by the Institut Calvianer de l'Esport. The Calvià Town Hall also gives financial support to the project for the acquisition of material. The members of the Arco Tramuntana Club altruistically put their knowledge at the service of the project.

The introductory courses will consist of eight sessions of 90 minutes each, two days a week, until completing 12 hours of training. After, participants will have a follow-up within the club and, throughout the year, they will be able to practice this sport for free, with the advice of qualified instructors at their facilities in Peguera, Calvià.

In this project, it is expected that participants experience different archery modalities, such as target shooting or the 3D forest modality.

In 2016, the Infanta Leonor Hospital in Madrid began the first programme of this type in Spain, which, by now, has been repeated to at least 10 more locations. The initiative, pioneer in Mallorca, has the experience of the one carried out in Menorca by the Club d'Arc Maó.

For more information:


Are collaborating:

Club d'Arc Tramuntana.

Ajuntament de Calvià / Institut Calvianer d’Esports.

Hospital Universitari Son Espases.

Consell de Mallorca / Servei de Medicina Esportiva.


ANTONiO NOGUERA_ Graphic communication.

Asociación Mujer and Deporte Profesional.