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Responsible Tourism Commitment Letter

Tuesday, 23rd April 2024


The mayor, Juan Antonio Amengual, signed today the letter of Commitment to Responsible Tourism of Mallorca promoted by the Fundación Turisme Mallorca of the Consell de Mallorca. The purpose of the Consell de Mallorca and the Ajuntament de Calvià is to promote sustainable tourism and configure an island where visitors and residents coexist, enjoy, experience and preserve the nature, values and beauty of the island.

In a meeting with the executive councillor of Tourism of the Consell de Mallorca, Marcial Rodríguez, they shared the need for this environmental commitment, which implies social, economic and tourist responsibility with the future of Calvià and the entire island. The letter of commitment was already presented at the World Travel Market in London last November, where the Calvià Town Hall committed to collaborating with the initiative that it formalised today.

Mallorca's Responsible Tourism Commitment focuses on eight axes, including the promotion of local visits, the dissemination of local products and services and the creation of a tourist experience that combines wealth generation with environmental sustainability. In Calvià there is a commitment to this approach, since it is considered that tourism without sustainability has no future. This commitment, which is part of Calvià's 365 strategy, responds to the demand of both visitors and residents.

Amongst the advice included in the letter for responsible tourism, https://pledge.fundaciomallorcaturisme.net, it is urged to collaborate in preservation by avoiding leaving waste in nature and when rubbish is found on the beach or in the streets, it recommends picking it up. Regarding landscape protection, it suggests following designated paths while hiking to avoid damaging delicate ecosystems and to show respect for local biodiversity. In relation to the marine environment, tourists are urged to refrain from interacting, touching or damaging coral and marine species during the practice of aquatic activities. The importance of appreciating the beauty of the Posidonia meadows without causing damage to them, avoiding anchoring nearby if sailing, is also highlighted.

To reduce the ecological impact, it is recommended to be aware of water and energy consumption during a stay in Mallorca. It is proposed to opt for sustainable transport, such as walking, cycling, using public transport or electric vehicles. It is encouraged to prioritise accommodations and services that implement sustainable practices to ensure the preservation of the environment. Likewise, reducing plastic consumption through reuse, reduction and recycling is encouraged. Carrying reusable water bottles and opting for ecological products to reduce the use of plastic containers and products is also recomended. The proper classification of organic waste (brown), packaging (yellow), paper and cardboard (blue) and glass (green) is promoted.

In reference to the local community, it is remembered that this is a shared space that must be respected and people shoudn't disturb neighbours, as well as learn and appreciate the rules of coexistence and local culture.

In conclusion, all are invited to support the Commitment to Responsible Tourism and contribute to improving sustainable initiatives to make Mallorca an even more exceptional and environmentally friendly destination. The World Tourism Organization, the Hotel Federation of Mallorca, the Business Group of Travel Agencies and numerous Mallorcan town halls have already adhered to this letter.