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Increase in grants at the start of the school year


Tuesday 8th September 2020


The subsidies that have already begun to be delivered so far exceed 237.000 euros

Check here the lists of beneficiaries

Nearly 800 families in Calvià have already received the aid at the beginning of the school year in a process that, upon completion, will be more than triple the number of grants awarded in 2019, the year in which 284 applications were submitted compared to the 951 submitted this year.

To date, 782 families have already received the aid, which represents an amount of 214.000 euros, and 83 more families will receive it immediately, which adds up to a total of 865 aids already approved and a total of 237.715 euros. The rest of the requests will be resolved this week.

The grants range from 150 to 225 euros, and 30 euros are increased in all approved applications from students in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th year of Primary Education and 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education who participate in the school's reuse programmes.

In this year's call, novelties have been introduced to respond to the situation that the Covid-19 crisis has caused in the homes of the municipality, such as the change in criteria regarding family income. In previous calls, the family income was assessed from the fiscal year of the previous year.

This year, due to the decrease in income in many households due to the Covid-19 crisis, the valuation has been made based on the net monthly income at the time of submitting the application.

In addition, aid has been extended to other educational cycles, compared to previous years: infant education from 3 to 6 years, high school and vocational training.

These grants are aimed at subsidising part of the expenses that families, with students enrolled in public centres, have at the beginning of the school year, such as the purchase of textbooks, digital textbooks, curricular material, computer infrastructure for study, etc.